Key Objectives

  • To promote conservation of eco-heritage, through research surveys and documentation: inventories of eco-systems, biodiversity, heritage-sites, indigenous manufacturing of processed foods, traditional healing practices and all forms of ethno-medicine and oral knowledge systems that contribute to sustainable life-style.

  • To create a landscape of sacred trees, groves and medicinal plants and traditional gardens which reflect India’s ancient forest cultures (aranya).

  • Develop teacher training programme on environmental education and eco-heritage.

  • Enhance participation of local and urban communities to protect our fragile ecosystem.

  • Raise public awareness about earth’s elemental cycles and our obligation towards ecosystem management.

  • Preserve and maintain traditional gardens, herbariums and medicinal plants that are under threat.

  • Promote women’s empowerment through ecologically sensitive ‘green’ creative activities.

  • Create a local resource centre and a Green Museum for inculcating green literacy, self-responsibility and awareness.

  • To conduct training programmes on environmental education and creative forms of ‘Green Literacy’ for children and young adults, rural folk, voluntary workers and educators, through a context-sensitive programme of Environmental Education (EE).

  • To conduct courses for the academic study of Religion and Ecology in collaboration with recognised universities in India and abroad.

  • Conservation of environmental celebrations that promote bio-ethics and geopiety.


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